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Mobile Alerts

Management at your fingertips!
Keep tabs on your account with CNB Mobile Alerts. Mobile Alerts are set up and managed within your CNB Mobile Banking App!  You can receive any of the following alerts:
  • Balance alerts:
    • Above any dollar amount that you set
    • Below any dollar amount that you set
  • Transaction alerts:
    • Debits over any dollar amount that you set
    • Credits over any dollar amount that you set
Be notified when your bills are debited from your account, or when your debit card is used!  Also receive alerts when your direct deposit posts to your account or any ACH transaction!  

There are 3 ways to receive your alerts:
  • e-mail
  • text message
  • in-app message
We hope you enjoy this feature in your new and improved CNB Mobile Banking App.  If you have any questions, please contact a Support Representative at (833) 501-8764 or by utilizing the Online Support feature within your CNB Mobile Banking App. 

*Travel Alerts*

A new enhancement has been made to our Online and Mobile Banking! Customers can now add their own travel alerts to debit cards! Why is this important? So our Fraud Center knows you are not local. Placing your own travel alert is simple:

  • Click on your profile name in bottom left hand corner
  • Select 'Settings'
  • Select 'Travel notices'
  • Select '+ Add travel notice'
  • Type in your destination, the dates you will be traveling and the debit card you will be using.

Additional alerts can be created by utilizing MyCardRules - a debt card feature within your CNB mobile app in which spending limits, merchant restrictions and other parameters can be set up. 

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Have a question? Send us a message or give us a call. We look forward to hearing from you!
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