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Our CEO Don Sapaugh's photo

A message from our CEO

Don Sapaugh

Dear CNB customers,

You may be wondering what CNB  thinks about the recent bank failures that are making the news. 

CNB is monitoring  the events that occurred over the past weekend in California and New York and we understand that you may have concerns.

Protecting your deposits and our integrity is something we take very seriously and so should you.  The core of our bank is made up of the deposits of the hard working individuals, businesses, schools, and churches across the communities we serve in East Texas.  We work hard to turn around and lend those deposits into the same markets to promote and strengthen the economic success of our region.

Terms like “venture capital”  and “technology start-ups” are foreign to us.  By nature we are not risk takers, we are Texas Bankers.  Like the communities we serve, we are diversified.  CNB  has a low risk deposit base, strong liquidity, is well capitalized with strong earnings, and the bulk of our loans are secured by real estate in our own backyard.  We welcome the opportunity to discuss any questions or concerns you may have.

We were founded by local merchants in 1889, and CNB is still protecting your hard earned dollar.  Thank you for trusting CNB.

Banking Texas Since 1889,

President and CEO's signature - Don Sapaugh

Don Sapaugh

President - CEO

Banking Texas since 1889.
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